“I coached Levi in 8u coach pitch years ago. He was a good kid with loads of talent. He played 1st base on the all-star team that year. Levi is the oldest of 8 kids with young parents. They all lived in a 2-bedroom rental. Levi’s parents did not have the ability or desire to see him play ball. Everyone loved Levi. we took turns picking him up for games. We took him fishing. He made loads of friends and had many positive experiences. The next season Levi didn’t sign up. It had been said they were evicted and moved to a neighboring town. I always looked for him in the other league when we played but I never saw him.
No one heard from Levi for a couple of years. This year one of the player’s mom bumped into Levi, now 11, at a birthday party. All he could talk about was the fun he had playing ball years ago and how he wished he could play. Signups were done, and uniforms were already ordered. No matter, we got Levi on the team and ordered him a uniform. The same parent went and got him in the neighboring town for every game. Levi played at no cost to him and was given a glove and bat. Levi is starting at a big disadvantage in life. Maybe having this positive experience and being around good adult mentors will have an impact on Levi.”