“Raz is a 13-year-old boy who stumbled across the game of baseball two years ago. From streaming games online to dreaming of playing the game, he heard that there was a baseball club nearby his home and joined this year. Catching was the one thing that really caught his attention. Unfortunately, the baseball club only had one old beat-up set of catcher’s gear for an adult. Raz had no idea that his dream would come true. When he saw the donation from PIFBS, he was overwhelmed with joy! He was so honored and grateful to know that people across the globe supported him and loved him enough to walk alongside him in his journey of playing baseball. His countenance forever changed that day. It helped him mature in so many ways. Responsibility to care for the equipment, hard work ethic, confidence in peer relationships, respect for others and himself, and maturing emotionally were just a few positive outcomes we heard from his coaches! Thank you Pitch In For Baseball & Softball for your generosity and compassion are changing many kids’ lives, like Raz!”
*Receive Equipment through Israel Baseball Association