Western Hills High School in Fort Worth, Texas, was awarded an equipment grant from PIFBS in 2020.
The program applied for a grant hoping that the equipment would allow for their JV and sub-varsity teams to have their own gear and not have to share. This way, they would also be able to do drills more effectively as the kids wouldn’t have to switch out equipment after several reps.
One student, Aaron, had always been a football player. He wanted to try baseball, but didn’t have a way to access the equipment needed. With the grant, his coach was able to supply him with a glove and cleats to use. Aaron came to every practice and his grades improved, as he wanted to make sure he could stay involved with the baseball team.
Josue was given an equipment bag and a glove to use. Since then, he has gone to tryouts for area teams and talent evaluations. His love for baseball has grown since getting the opportunity to have the proper equipment needed to play the game.
· Years Involved:2020