Pitch In For Baseball & Softball has partnered with Todd Corbin and his company, In The Moment, LLC.,  to support youth baseball and softball programs in Lee County, Florida, and Harmony Baseball in Cameroon, Africa.

In Lee County, approximately 15% of the nearly 800,000 total residents live in poverty, which exceeds the national average by nearly 2%.

The Lee County School-Based Program will launch in 2021 with a donation to South Fort Myers High School and will expand to support high school varsity baseball and softball teams in the county. PIFBS will provide gear such as gloves, helmets, and bats to these programs to help alleviate the financial burden for families and eliminate equipment as a barrier to participation in baseball and softball programs.

This partnership will also benefit Harmony Baseball Academy (HBA) in Cameroon. HBA’s mission is to provide high quality baseball training to the country’s youth while also offering them mentorship and purpose to help develop players into high quality athletes and people. HBA currently has 30 players in its baseball program and plans to launch a softball program in the near future.

The goal of the partnership will be to benefit children in Florida and Cameroon who otherwise would not have the opportunity to play ball.

In The Moment, LLC. is a company created by Todd Corbin, an avid runner, sports enthusiast, mindfulness teacher, professional speaker, and certified coach. Todd was a community college instructor for 12 years and coached youth baseball for a decade. He is the coauthor of Mindfulness For Student Athletes: A Workbook to Help Teens Reduce Stress and Enhance Performance. More information on Todd’s programs can be found at https://www.toddcorbin.com