Nominate a League
Pay It Forward Day
Do you know a coach who goes above and beyond to inspire young players? A league that offers much-needed assistance to low income families? Or a team desperately in need of updated equipment?
In honor of Pay It Forward Day on Wednesday, April 28th, Pitch In For Baseball & Softball is giving you a chance to nominate a youth league to receive a free team kit, including brand new gloves, bats, and more!
All you need to do is tell us the name and location of the league, a league representative we can contact, and why you would like to pay it forward.
We will select and notify the winner on Thursday, April 29th.
Pay It Forward Day is a global initiative that exists to make a difference by creating a huge ripple of kindness felt across the world. The purpose is to inspire acts of kindness on April 28th each year in hopes that the ripple of good will continue throughout the entire year. Learn more about Pay It Forward Day